We get this question a lot and we're happy to explain! We offer three main “styles” of coffee- One Speed, Three Speed, and Ten Speed, with an additional two “styles” reserved for Night Rider & No Speed, (our dark roast and decaf respectively). We use the term “speeds” as a nod to our love of bikes.
There’s no right way to prefer your coffee. Some like a standard black cup of medium roast, no frills, just simple and classic coffee. For them we offer One Speed. Some opt for something a little more interesting, slightly lighter. This is our Three Speed. For the most complex, fruitier notes, we turn to our Ten Speed slot.

Our One Speed coffee is always from the Sigri Estate in Papua New Guinea. You can read more about our partnership here. Tried and true, it’s fitting that this coffee never changes. Our Three and Ten Speeds, however, vary depending on the season. We’re happy to rotate these slots among several of our favorite farmers while still bringing the same ethos to each speed.

Our Night Rider is the same Papua New Guinea we use in our One Speed, but given the dark roast treatment. You can read more about our decision to offer a dark roast here. Decaf is, well, decaffeinated. All our decaf coffees are Guatemalan and Swiss Water Processed.

No matter what you’re speed, we’re happy to be your support crew, providing you with the best coffee to get you where you need to go.