One Speed // Papua New Guinea
Read the extended story of our connection to this coffee by clicking here.
narrative: This coffee comes from one of the biggest estates in Papua New Guinea. On the Sigri Estate is also a school, healthcare facilities, and housing for much of the year-round and seasonal staff. Papua New Guinea is a very tribal country and the only way to produce a product on a large scale of high quality is to section the land off from the rest of the people, so the Sigri Estate essentially functions as its own, self sufficient city. Plants are brought from seed, all the way to harvest completely on the estate. Sigri Estate also processes and hulls all it’s own coffee and exports directly. We buy this coffee through Vikram of Benchmark Coffee Traders, a cousin of Vijay the estate manager in PNG. Vikram imports this coffee to the US and warehouses it in Chicago.
wholebean only / FREE SHIPPING